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Split DV AVI or HDV M2T File

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This is a powerful file splitter that can split existing DV AVI files or HDV M2T files into smaller pieces using a variety of triggers.


It produces a log file with details of where splits occurred, and also a corresponding Premiere batch capture list (CSV) file.


A Confirm Settings dialog box appears which allows you to check and if necessary change any of the Splitter settings. Check the items that you wish to change, and change their settings as required. These are the same settings that appear in the Tools > Options > Splitter menu. See Options - Splitter for details of the settings.


When you are satisfied that the settings are correct, click OK and you are prompted for the location and the stem name for the output split files. Each output file name will begin with the stem name, followed by the variable suffix that was chosen in the settings. You can also enter a Reel Name.


The splitting operation will then commence. The progress window will display the name of each split file as it is created. Note that if a file already exists with the same name it will not be overwritten - the new file will have a numeric (n) suffix added to make it unique.


The Date modified file property of each split file is set to the start date and time when it was recorded - this is extracted from the metadata at the start of the file. The Date modified file property is displayed in File Explorer and in the file properties windows of many video editing software packages, so it provides an easy way of seeing when each split file was recorded, rather than when the file was created on the hard drive.


The splitter log file and Premiere batch capture list file are created in the same folder as the split files. They have the same stem name and the suffix .txt and .csv respectively.


The batch capture list file is a comma-separated-value (CSV) file to Premiere Pro's specification with the following fields on each line:


Reel name

In point timecode

Out point timecode

Clip name - the pathname of the split file

Log note - the date and time of recording (if present) in the format "yyyy-mm-dd"

Description - user bits (if present)

Scene - blank

Shot/Take - blank


Note that DVMP Pro fills in the "Log note" and "Description" field with the recording date/time and user bits respectively, if they are present in the first frame of the  corresponding split file.


Part of an example batch list file is shown below. Note the reel name suffix "A" which appears when the timecode jumps backward (see Options - Splitter for further details).


REEL 001,00:26:21:14,00:26:42:10,D:\Example,2007-04-07 14.38.35,14:38:0A:24,,

REEL 001,00:27:32:13,00:26:44:14,D:\Example,2007-04-07 14.39.46,14:38:0A:24,,

REEL 001A,00:00:00:07,00:00:08:02,D:\Example,2007-04-21 14.08.11,,,

REEL 001A,00:00:50:14,00:01:04:21,D:\Example,2007-04-21 14.09.01,,,


The splitter log file is similar to the batch list file except that it has an additional first field which holds the absolute frame number within the input AVI file. It also shows any split files which were not created (i.e. "DISCARDED") because their duration was less than the user-specified Pre-roll delay (see Options - Splitter).


This tool is currently only supported for DV AVI and HDV M2T files.


See Also:

Options - Splitter