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DVMP Pro 8 User Help

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Save Rotation

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Sometimes when you play an MP4 or MOV file in DVMP Pro, the video image is displayed with the wrong orientation - for example it displays as landscape when it was originally shot with the camera in portrait orientation. This is usually caused by the camera storing incorrect orientation information in the file (especially if the camera had been rotated soon after recording started).


In these situations you would use the Play > Rotate Right menu (or the R key) to manually adjust the orientation of the video image (i.e. rotate it) so that it displays the "correct" way up in the player window.


But the file itself still contains the "incorrect" orientation information. So the Tools >Save Rotation menu can then be used to set the orientation information within the file in accordance with the video image in the player's window. The next time the file is played it will then display with the correct orientation and you won't have to manually rotate it again.


When you click Save Rotation, you can choose In This File to update the orientation information in the file being played. Alternatively, if you choose In a Copy of This File then the file will be copied to a new file which will contain the corrected orientation information - the file being played will remain unchanged.





This tool is only available when you are playing MP4 and MOV files because these are the only file types that contain orientation information. The menu entry is therefore greyed-out when you are playing other file types.


See Also:

Portrait Oriented Video