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Options - Export Subtitles

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Export Subtitles options

Export Subtitles options

Here you can change the settings used by the Tools > Export Subtitles tool.


You can choose to export All metadata where all items of metadata (except GPS/Geotagging) are exported as 5 columns, similar to the arrangement seen in the metadata pane when a file is being played. Or you can also choose Date, Time & Geotagging where the date, time and GPS latitude, longitude etc are exported in columns, similar to the arrangement seen in the metadata pane when Geotagging data is being viewed.


A frequent requirement is to only output the recording date and time. The remaining settings allow you to do this and choose how the date and time are positioned. You can choose the date to appear immediately above the time (or vice versa), or the date and time to appear on a single line with the date positioned to the right or left of the time.


See Also:

Export Subtitles