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Export Metadata options

Export Metadata options

Here you can change the settings used by the Tools > Export Metadata tool.


You can choose to export metadata For all frames where each line in the export line corresponds to a video frame.


Alternatively you can choose At any change or discontinuity. This outputs a line only when one of the metadata values changes, or when the timecode or recording date and time jumps out of its normal sequence. If an item of metadata goes from being present in one frame to being missing in the next frame (or vice versa) this is also considered to be a "change".


You can also choose At each scene change (for DV file types only). This outputs a line only when there is a scene change. A "scene change" is defined by the metadata items that are selected in the Scenes options - a scene change occurs when one of these selected items changes or when the timecode or recording date and time jumps out of its normal sequence.


If you check the Export Header box, a header line will be inserted at the start of the export file which contains the names of each field separated by commas. When this is imported into a spreadsheet (for example) the names will appear as column titles. If you do not need a header then leave the Export Header box unchecked.


See Also:

Export Metadata